Sunday, February 10, 2013

Texas Longhorn chewing some cud. It's what they do.
Rurality Blog Hop


  1. My daughter just moved to texas and I can't wait for my first experience seeing one of these beauties up close and personal when I go to visit the next time.

  2. It's what we all do until we find something better.....
    Great photo. Thanks.

  3. Handsome! Looks like he is talking to you.

  4. He's smiling I think!!! Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #2' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #3...

  5. Great shot! The long horn is posing so nicely. :)
    We just returned from my first trip to Texas, and I was really hoping to photograph some longhorns. I only got distant shots of them, though.. most of the livestock cattle we saw were not longhorn.
    I DID get to photograph, however, a watusi, with the biggest horns I've ever seen! It kind of maked up for / subbed in for my missing longhorn shots!
